Bathroom interior
For modern residence owners, bathroom has much more significance than to their predecessors. It is expected to be not only functional but also cozy and aesthetic area of home. Unfortunately, increased humidity, fluctuations of temperature or poorly installed ventilation system makes elements of bathroom interior wear off much faster than in other spaces of a residential place. There are many reasons why your bathroom area might require renovation, for example, alteration of bath colour, crumbled layer of paint, mould along the walls and ceilings, outmoded interior, and so forth.   
Bathroom renovation usually includes the following works:

waterproofing, which protects the bathroom interior and things from harmful effects of humidity and water leakage into the house structure;

replacement of plumbing pipes, as good plumbing is the basic condition of a neat bathroom;

installation of ventilation equipment (waterproofing in the bathroom is not enough as there is a collection of humidity which has to be removed by a proper ventilation system);

renewal of bathroom interior, which is commended after every serious renovation effort, such as replacement of plumbing pipes or waterproofing work. 

Before setting to work, we usually discuss the problematic bathroom areas with our customers and offer some advice on how to improve them. We work in a neat and expeditious manner, so that residence owners may start savouring pleasures of a new-looking bathroom in no time. We promise, after renovation your bathroom will look impeccably tidy and new!